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16 uncia forró csésze

Are you a fan of hot beverages like coffee, tea or cocoa? You answer yes, you may just need a hot cup to keep your drinks warm and cozy while sipping. If you are drinking something hot and delicious there is no need to suffer with an uncomfortable cup shape – we have a solution for that, our forró csésze papír from Shi Rong Paper!

The 16 ounce hot cup for your favorite brews

Are you a fan of coffee? Is that warm, toasty cup of tea at the top of your morning menu? Or maybe you have a true passion for hot chocolate in the afternoon, on a cold day? Whether tea, cocoa or coffee is your poison of choice, we have 16 oz hot beverage cups that will be perfect. These cups are constructed with a robust and hard material, which is the reason that you can keep your warm drinks warmer for longer. So, you can savor your drink for an extended period not getting cold too soon! In addition, our cups are heat resistant sleeves will let you sip your favorite hot drinks without burning your hands.

Miért válassza a SHI RONG PAPER 16 uncia forró csészét?

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