If you own a coffee shop, your goal is to ensure that people remember your shop long after they finish drinking. A simple and effective reminder is through the use of custom paper coffee cup sleeves. Little sleeves, big drivers — these are the having...
POGLEJ VEČDo you like drinking coffee? Coffee is one of the most popular beverages globally. Of course, many people have a hot cup of coffee in the morning, and it makes them feel awake, ready to go. But what you may not realise is that the disposable paper cu...
POGLEJ VEČSHI RONG PAPER has a fantastic product that coffee lovers around the world will love—paper coffee cup sleeves! These nifty little sleeves slide on over your coffee cup. Their primary purpose is to protect your hands from the heat of the hot coffee. A...
POGLEJ VEČYet, when we use paper cups, we rarely consider the origin of the materials that make them. It is the easiest thing in the world to pick up a cup and consume it without thinking about the journey it has taken. But this is very important to consider b...
POGLEJ VEČMillions of cup drinkers take their favorite coffee or tea or other delicious beverage every day in paper cups. You see these ubiquitous cups every day, but do you know where they come from? They are constructed from special materials, which is the m...
POGLEJ VEČThe manufacture of paper cups is a critical undertaking, and selecting material is really important. Choosing bad materials will result in cups that can easily break or use harmful chemicals that are not human-friendly. At SHI RONG PAPER, we strive t...
POGLEJ VEČWhy Good Materials MatterThe importance of good materials for paper cups has numerous advantages. Step one: Ensure the right outcomes by making paper cups paper cup bottom roll with quality materials. Good materials are strong and robust, s...
POGLEJ VEČ5 najboljših veleprodajnih dobaviteljev surovin za papirnate skodelice Papirnate skodelice, kot je SHI RONG PAPER, so zdaj najpomembnejši del naše dnevne dejavnosti in ponujajo udoben način, da dobite svoje najljubše pijače. Pri izdelavi teh skodelic se uporablja vrsta ...
POGLEJ VEČVečino pri izdelavi skodelic zanima material, iz katerega so izdelane. Papirnata skodelica s PE prevleko je zelo uporabna za tiste, ki izdelujejo kakovostne skodelice, zato se večina Savdske Arabije odloči za nakup tega izdelka iz drugega sveta. SHI RONG PAPIR je...
POGLEJ VEČIščete najboljše dobavitelje papirnatih zvitkov za kavne skodelice v Bahrajnu? Potem ste pristali na pravem mestu. ŠI RONG PAPIR je vaša najboljša izbira. Ponujamo visokokakovostne papirnate zvitke za skodelice, posebej zasnovane za kavarne v Bahrajnu, ki vstopajo v t...
POGLEJ VEČAli je za vas novo, da se Oman usmerja k papirnatim kozarcem in zvitkom? Tako je! Prizadevanje je jasno, saj Oman pravi, da uporabite manj plastike in izberite druge možnosti, ki so okolju prijaznejše. Plastika je škodljiva in plastična embalaža mi...
POGLEJ VEČVrst papirja je neskončno, zato ima vsaka svojo posebnost, ko je treba izbrati pravega. Tudi dvostranski PE premazani papir je v zadnjem času vse bolj priljubljen. Nudimo le visokokakovostne dvojne...